Your help is our meal

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How to support

How can we improve the living conditions of poor people in Nepal?

That starts with the daily need of at least a fresh made meal, we will take care of that.
You help enormously with your donation, every euro is a meal, we guarantee that!
For people living in very poverty-stricken conditions on the streets of Kathmandu, receiving a hot meal not only ensures their survival, but also offers hope that they will be cared for and supported.

Who is the NGO of Food for the Poor Nepal?

The Food for the Poor Project is part of the non-profit organisation Help in Action.
Food for the Poor Nepal was set up by the CEO of Phoenix Import – Mani Bhadra Netherlands, Jan de Ruiter. Over the past 25 years, Jan de Ruiter has witnessed at close quarters the harrowing and often degrading living and housing conditions in Nepal. He wants to contribute to changing that.
Together with you, together with the non-profit organisation Help in Action.

Who is paying for the the additional cost from Food for the Poor Nepal?

All additional costs such as expenses for the volunteers, cardboard cups, forks and spoons, advertising costs, website costs and travel and transport costs are sponsored by Phoenix ImportMani Bhadra BV.

Who are the helpers to distribute Food for the Poor?

In Nepal is a coordination team with a legal restaurant permission.
Volunteers in Nepal and western Buddhist students visiting Nepal are also helping with the distribution of daily meals in different areas of Kathmandu.
Together We Can! :

Who are the sponsors of Food for the Poor Nepal?

Companies can become a sponsor, like Phoenix Import in the Netherland.
Customers from Phoenix Import are sponsors.
You can become a sponsor if you feel a connection with us and our dedication for the Nepali People with desperate living conditions.
In fact we need as much as possible sponsors that are willing to make a monthly donation.
If many sponsors are paying €10 a month, we will be able to help a lot of people.

A short video impression at the famous Boudhanath stupa in Kathmandu.

Food for the Poor distribution at the famous Boudhanath stupa in Kathmandu. See our short impression on You-Tube. For people in desperate conditions living on the streets of Katmandu receiving a hot meal not only allows them to survive, but offers them hope that they are cared for and supported. However, whatever you can donate will make a difference!

Nepal is nog altijd een van de armste landen ter wereld.

Hoewel de voedselzekerheid de afgelopen jaren is verbeterd, zitten naar schatting 4,6 miljoen mensen zonder voldoende voedsel. Volgens het Wereldvoedselprogramma heeft 36% van de kinderen onder de 5 jaar te kampen met groeiachterstand, 27% heeft ondergewicht en 10% lijdt aan vermagering als gevolg van ondervoeding. Er zijn naar schatting 250.000 daklozen en nog eens 2,8 miljoen mensen, waaronder veel kinderen, leven in sloppenwijken.

Every donation is one meal for a desperate and hungry person


Is to distribute freshley made meals for homeless and desperate people and their children. That's why we ask you to make it possible to continue our work every day in Kathmandu.


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